Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Research task

 BBC Research Task 

 We need to understand a little about the background to the BBC, including how it is funded, how it is regulated and how it is publicly owned.   


Research the BBC and answer the following questions.  Use the suggested links to help you with your research. 



Resources to help you with your research














1.      How old is the BBC?  

2.      Who is Lord Reith and what connection does he have with the BBC?  

3.      When did it start broadcasting Radio 1?

4.      What is the BBC’s Mission? 

5.      What is the BBC’s Vision?

    6.      What are the BBC’s Values?

7.      What does the licence fee cover?  

8.      How is the BBC regulated?  How long as this body regulated the BBC and who regulated it before?   

9. Who was the first ever Breakfast show presenter? 

10. List some other DJs that have presented the show.

11. Find out a little biographical information about Greg James

12. What are the current listening figures for Radio 1?

13. Who is the controller of BBC radio 1?

14. How is it funded? 

15. How much does the audience pay? How does it work?

16. How does radio 1 try and be distinctive?

17. What is the difference between radio 1 and commercial radio stations? Give a few examples.

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