Thursday, September 28, 2023

NEA mark scheme

Halfway Evaluations

 Halfway Evaluations 

Halfway evaluations are a really good way of looking at some of your work, finding out where you're going with it and seeing the whole picture and receiving feedback. We need to get a really good idea of what your final product is going to look like.  


By October 6th please provide a presentation including the following slides: 

  • 1) Beggars group brand and how does it fit with your artist, image and products? Introduce us to your personality, image, overall vision of why they will succeed

  • 2) Narrative brief/Horror brief - once again look closely at the brief and explain (how are you going to fit the conventions of that brief?) H409/03/04 Making media Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) Briefs June 2024 (

  • 3) Show us 1 minute music video/tv drama draft 

  • 4) screen shots of Website and plans as well as some original photos of artist/band

  • 5) Audio visual idea/practise

  • 6) Social media and plans for

  • 7) How are you going to target your audience? Who are they? Remind yourselves of this

  • What do you still need to do? Any influences that you would like to re-create?

An explanation of your cross-media branding and what you are still to include in your productions. Mrs Field and I will go through each of these one afternoon and be able to provide you with feedback.  

NEA Deadlines


Week ending:

Halfway Evaluations presentations ready
Statement of Intent
Use assessment objectives sheet as checklist against plan 
All uploaded onto google slides

Halfway presentations, feedback gathered and uploaded, reflection on next steps
Editing continues, audio visual planning and filming for websites. For your websites, regardless of brief chosen you need to include about a minute of audiovisual ( a video ). It can be an interview with your artist/cast/director/editor/interviewees...keep in the back of your mind.

Filming and Editing continues on videos and websites
Using mark scheme - mark three previous student projects www/ebi and what grades and why 


First draft of production 2- website articles/dvd covers uploaded/magazine covers?
Teacher and peer feedback commencing the following week (post it notes) 
Reflect upon and upload to slides. Getting close to finishing draft production 1.   

PPEs commence - Media revision for News 1-4 and 2 out of 3 industry and audience questions - film, radio, video games

Amend your statement of intent to reflect finished product intentions.
Website complete
First draft production 1 - music videos, magazine, tv drama - make sure the website is on at the start and end of your productions

KBR and FLD to make suggestions/feedback

Final drafts of productions 1 and 2, happy holidays!

January 2023- Fld/Kbr will moderate your productions (30% of your A level grade sorted!)