Thursday, September 28, 2023

Halfway Evaluations

 Halfway Evaluations 

Halfway evaluations are a really good way of looking at some of your work, finding out where you're going with it and seeing the whole picture and receiving feedback. We need to get a really good idea of what your final product is going to look like.  


By October 6th please provide a presentation including the following slides: 

  • 1) Beggars group brand and how does it fit with your artist, image and products? Introduce us to your personality, image, overall vision of why they will succeed

  • 2) Narrative brief/Horror brief - once again look closely at the brief and explain (how are you going to fit the conventions of that brief?) H409/03/04 Making media Non-Examination Assessment (NEA) Briefs June 2024 (

  • 3) Show us 1 minute music video/tv drama draft 

  • 4) screen shots of Website and plans as well as some original photos of artist/band

  • 5) Audio visual idea/practise

  • 6) Social media and plans for

  • 7) How are you going to target your audience? Who are they? Remind yourselves of this

  • What do you still need to do? Any influences that you would like to re-create?

An explanation of your cross-media branding and what you are still to include in your productions. Mrs Field and I will go through each of these one afternoon and be able to provide you with feedback.  

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