Friday, November 18, 2022

Current news event presentations


Create a timeline and description of the following events that took place 2017-2022 so that you understand the contexts around them. 

Find front covers from the main papers to compare (broadsheet, mid and tabloids) Mediation, Construction, Bias, Selection, Omission Stereotypes and Representation. Don't forget to add news values. 

  • Title
  • Context (background, how it came about, triggers, culture etc)
  • Date and time of story/stories breaking
  • What happened? Crucial dates, who was involved
  • Analysis of front page stories and how they represented the issues you are investigating
  • Test your audience
  • Summary of your news story and how it was reported by the papers

Covid and Lockdown the good and the bad

Dominic Cummings and Nick Hancock. Boris Johnson. The vaccine.

Tik tok and heartwarming community stories. Captain Tom!



BREXIT When did David Cameron announce referendum? Why did he do this? Who were the leavers/remainers? Analyse front pages of Brexit result


Freddie C


UK POLITICS - who are they and how are the top politicians being represented in the news? Why did Cameron resign and who was running for the leadership when he did? When was May chosen as leader of the Conservative party? When was Boris? General Election result and the rise and fall of Jeremy Corbyn’s popularity.



ROYALS Deaths, Engagements, Queen’s 90th, jubilee, babies, Megxit


TERRORISM and HATRED   Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, Borough, Finsbury Park mosque,     Manchester ,   Jo Cox and David Amess


Syria and Afghanistan   Brief summary, huge humanitarian issues, refugees



 Grenfell tower – what issues did this event highlight?


Windrush scandal 



NHS – doctor’s strikes, worry over privatisation, waiting times, nurses strikes now


Charlie Gard and Archie Battersbee


Yorkshire cricket club racism and recent football racism


 Olly and Finlay

     Immigration and Priti Patel - refugees and asylum seekers reported in the media



Representation of youth and Youth Crime – Acid attacks and spate of stabbings 



Biden election – Lead up and Reaction and recent mid terms


BLM - when it started and leading up to George Floyd  


Jess C



Tuesday, November 1, 2022

News intro and language

Newspapers LIAR

Newspapers online and print comparison

 Looking at the same days of the DM and Guardian take notes and video of the following:

  • circulation (look online)
  • ownership (who owns them and how do they differ)
  • cost of the paper
  • Advertising examples - which ones take up the most space for eg full page in DM costs £30K. Advertising is much more important/effective in print than online.
  • Hard news stories in first few pages, when does it change to soft news give egs
  • News values CUPPTUNE
  • Political Bias egs
  • Comparison of the two
Upload the footage onto premiere, add your voiceover and compare print with online and the advantages of both.

Newspaper Language and Representation intro

Newspaper websites

Choose one broadsheet, mid market and one tabloid website. Copy and paste the front pages and screen grab the web home pages.

Create a table with four columns for each newspaper. Column one below, column 2 broadsheet, column 3 mid market, column 4 tabloid.

Please screen grab any video and audience comments on social media too. 

  • What are the main news stories about? Hard, soft news? Language used and news values.
  • Main images - what are the representations and values (politics or more UK focused for eg)
  • Any links with that day's front pages? Copy and paste today's front pages of newspapers and compare with home pages.
  • What social media do they have? Daily Mail has 6! 
  • Print screen the links in each website
  • Any audience comments on the main stories
  • Look at the layout and describe colour, layout, images, fonts, text (typography and meaning)
  • Adverts? You may have to check on your phones as school ad blocks.
  • Any examples of videos? Print screen these.
  • Look at the list of conventions on this handout and give examples where each of the papers conforms or subverts. 

Newspaper audience and industry research


What the exam board want you to be able to discuss is:

Detailed discussion of the role of print and online technology and news consumption and response by comparison of the audience address and possible audience needs met by the differences in the print and online editions and social media feeds of the Guardian and Daily Mail/MailOnline

• Research into differences in audience responses to, uses of, and needs fulfilled by online and print news, with special reference to the Guardian and Daily Mail/ MailOnline

• Investigate specialist, perhaps global, audiences served by online news (e.g. news for groups defined by a special interest, e.g. birdwatchers, or a shared identity, e.g. Britons living abroad).

• Researching contemporary examples of citizen journalism and participation

Find examples from today's website and add to your slides:

UK Home | Daily Mail Online

  • Screen grab today's newspaper Daily Mail and Guardian's front pages
  • Look at our case study websites (DM/Guardian) discuss news values and hard/soft news. Find a news story they are both reporting on and comment on the way it's being reported, the use of language and image choice.
  • The news story that you've chosen, look on social media and see how it's being reported and compare
  • Look at the various links, choose a couple to look at that may not be part of the print editions (for eg updated and breaking news)
  • Have a look at any videos that have been uploaded and discuss these - what's the story and how can it be shared? Any comments here? Write examples.
  • Which do they say have been the most read of the day or trending?
  • Click on the social media and scan over any interesting comments on articles
  • Who do you think are their target audiences? in print and online
  • How does the Daily Mail make money? How does the mailonline make money? 
  • Have a little read through of both the wikipedia pages and take notes 
  • Daily Mail and General Trust 
  • Wikipedia Guardian Media Group - Wikipedia

Ways they make their money Support the Guardian

News consumption


READ this:

UK teens get their news from these social media sites -study | World Economic Forum (
