Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Newspaper websites

Choose one broadsheet, mid market and one tabloid website. Copy and paste the front pages and screen grab the web home pages.

Create a table with four columns for each newspaper. Column one below, column 2 broadsheet, column 3 mid market, column 4 tabloid.

Please screen grab any video and audience comments on social media too. 

  • What are the main news stories about? Hard, soft news? Language used and news values.
  • Main images - what are the representations and values (politics or more UK focused for eg)
  • Any links with that day's front pages? Copy and paste today's front pages of newspapers and compare with home pages.
  • What social media do they have? Daily Mail has 6! 
  • Print screen the links in each website
  • Any audience comments on the main stories
  • Look at the layout and describe colour, layout, images, fonts, text (typography and meaning)
  • Adverts? You may have to check on your phones as school ad blocks.
  • Any examples of videos? Print screen these.
  • Look at the list of conventions on this handout and give examples where each of the papers conforms or subverts. 

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